I am Helen Crow
Kirk & Cobb, Inc., REALTORS
Offering YOU expert help buying & selling homes in my hometown.
In every price range, in every corner of Shawnee County

Offering YOU expert help buying & selling homes in my hometown.
In every price range, in every corner of Shawnee County
Selling Topeka real estate… one home at a time.
Offering YOU expert help buying & selling homes in my hometown.
In every price range, in every corner of Shawnee County
After exactly 30 years working more than full time to help my customers, my assistant Sheree Smith, retired. I have teamed up with successful REALTOR Melissa Herdman, to be able to continue to offer myriad services to my customers into the future.
I have the deepest respect for her and for her ethics. Her devotion to her customers is as passionate as my own.
Melissa was a nurse practitioner when her kids’ many activities led her to pursue a less rigid work schedule than any nurse can have. She was the primary care leader in Stormont-Vail/Cotton-O’Neil’s
When Melissa changed careers, she approached real estate with outstanding intelligence and a nurse’s high standards for care and attention to details. Ten years later, she is such a smashing Realtor that she’s even out-sold me since 2020! That hadn’t happened at Kirk & Cobb in decades!
We aim to please. Missing something you wish were here? Need more information about something specific? Need help just getting started? Please tell me at Helen@HelenCrow.com
Starting here and through a move, I want to help. My job isn’t over at closing, either. I keep working to help my customers find the best help to maintain their homes, to improve their homes, and to settle comfortably into their new neighborhoods and our community. Kirk & Cobb, Inc., REALTORS is a three generation family business with some pretty great resources in place to ease your path, as well. I am very proud of all we do.
Here’s what they have to say on Google:
S. Jones2022-07-08 Talked to one of the realtors. Explained everything about a neighborhood I was looking at. Really nice guy.👍 I initially gave 4 stars, but it’s the little things that matter. They are indeed a 5 star 🌟 company. You won't be disappointed. Aaron2022-06-02 Worked with her as she was helping me buy my house. She was very professional and kind along with having great insight into the local market. Robbie PETERSON2020-05-16 Helen got us through buying and selling our two Topeka homes back in the ‘very beginning.’ Knowledgeable and Involved every step of the way, Helen makes things happen. We’ve since bought many houses around the country, but we still measure realtors against Helen (and only one has held up). Most fall woefully short. With Helen, you are in great hands. Margaret Carkhuff2018-08-27 Helen really helped us when we sold our home in Potwin--wonderful advice and suggestions--and she wasn't even our realtor! She's a top-notch professional who's built a business on her knowledge and honesty.Google rating score: 4.9 of 5, based on 178 reviews
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